It's Time to Split Up the GOP

Trying to bring the Republican Party to its senses is futile. Its elected officials are more scared of Trump than they are attached to American ideals, and that won't change over the next four years – and probably beyond. So, instead of trying to fix the Republican Party, the heirs of Lincoln should start a new one. It should be rooted in free minds, free markets, and respect for individuals. Its foundation must be a healthy understanding of what has made this country exceptional—a patriotism that embraces new blood and engages the world.

Biden Democracy Challenge: Fix Voting and the Electoral College to Head Off a 2024 Crisi

America lucked out. The 2020 election had all the ingredients for disaster: A president who called it rigged before a single vote was cast, a pandemic that produced an unprecedented mail-in response and attempts at interference by Russia and other adversaries.

Democracy can’t afford 2024 to be the debacle that 2020 almost was.

Daily News: POLITICS NEWS Trump kicks off the week by listing states that ‘are going to hell’ -- unless you vote for him

The president got more votes in those three states than he got in PA, MI, and WI, but, of course, under the current system, those states don't count. Would the president be saying this under a popular vote?