Making Every Vote Count

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Electoral College a Relic Conflicting with Constitutional Command: "One Person, One Vote"

From the University of Michigan’s Law Review repository:

In Democratic Principle and Electoral College Reform, University of Michigan scholars Ethan J. Leib & Eli J. Mark argue that the Electoral College is a relic of a bygone age, and in conflict with the Constitution command of the Fourteenth Amendment, which dictates the doctrine of “One person, one vote”.

The authors write:

“Although states have the flexibility and authority under Article II of the

Constitution to award their electoral votes in different ways, under the current

system all but two states award their electoral votes in a “winner-take-all”

fashion, with no votes allocated to the statewide popular vote loser. This

scheme has dominated the electoral vote landscape since the rise of political

parties, and it presently enables presidential candidates to focus their campaigns

on a small percentage of voters from a tiny number of swing states

while disregarding the needs of the rest of the nation.”

Please note that the full text of the article opens as a PDF file which you may read here.